I have always dreamed of becoming an actress. I have always wanted to star in my own movie. I have always envisioned myself waving my hand while the people all stand up and applaud my acting skills. I have always wanted to hold an acting award and give a heartfelt speech in front of my fellow artists with millions of people watching at home. I have always dreamed of seeing my name at the top of the billing alongside the best actors of our time. I have always wanted to see my face on billboards and magazine covers, me with my pretty face and stunningly made up hair modeling fabulous gowns and dresses. I want to live in a luxurious house in an exclusive estate. I want to ride the sleekest limousine in town. I want people to know my name and to shout it out loud, full of excitement and admiration, whenever they see me. I want to sign autographs for them. I want the lights focusing on me and me alone as if I am the most important person in the universe. I want songs to be written about me. I want to see myself on television and the big screen. Yes, I want it all – the fame and the fortune that come with it. But all I can do for now is dream. I always say to myself that I will do whatever it takes for me to achieve my dreams. I have been attending acting workshops and theater practices so that I can harness my skills. I audition even for small parts. I need to start somewhere. When I get minor roles, I make sure I give my best. I also help out with the production work so that I will be familiar with all aspects of the business. I know my time will come. For now, the world is my stage.